...please excuse this interuption to regular viewing.. oh who am I kidding, I have been a lazy sod and haven't blogged in AGES... I apologise... but today's blog is for a very special cyber friend of mine...
Being a member of an online forum as well as being a paid employee gives me insights into a wide range of experiences. There are some members who for one reason or another just stick in your mind, you watch their progress with interest, you rejoice when they announce their BFP (big fat positive, on a pregnancy test for those not down with the lingo), your heart aches as they experience the grief of miscarriage, and you feel ill when they announce another failed IVF attempt. Haidee is one of 'my' girls, and one of the last to get the elusive BFP from the good ol days (sadly there are still some waiting for that day). But today is about Haidee. Haidee is a lovely, kind, generous, wonderful woman I met online. Despite traveling her own road on infertility, she has always had time to comfort others, offer advice and have just the right words at the right time. As a moderator, she has always been a pleasure to work with, I have copied many a Haidee start up thread to post all over the community. You can read her story here
Anywho, today's post is in honor of Haidee's Baby Shower, after 3 long years, she is finally expecting her own bundle of joy. A baby boy is going to grace their home on the coming weeks, and I am so pleased for her that i really could just burst. Due to the fact that Haidee lives all the way over in Kiwi land, we her forum friends are hosting her a very special Virtual Baby Shower, where we post the gifts we would like to give to Haidee if we were attending her shower in person. Everyone elses gifts can be found here if you would like to see what others have 'given' to her...so here goes...
Oh and because its a VIRTUAL baby shower.. I plan on going totally over the top...
A membership to the La Leche League NZ You know how passionate I am about breastfeeding, its beautiful and natural, but dont be fooled into thinking that means that its always easy. Its a learned skill, you need to learn and he will need to learn. Surround yourself with support and knowledge to help you get through the early days. I know that your body has let you down before, time and time again, it would be natural for you to feel nervous about your body letting you down in terms of breastfeeding. Why should you trust it to work, it hasn't before, right? But Haidee, your body is amazing. Sure, it needed some help to conceive your baby boy, but its 100% you who has carried him this far, its you who has kept him safe and warm and fed, its you who has nurtured him and will continue to nurture him as he leaves the safety of your body and joins you in the outside world. Please, TRUST your body in these coming weeks. Trust your body to bring your son earthside safely, trust your breasts to nourish him as he grows, and trust that in the times of doubt you know everything you need already, you have within you the ability to give your son exactly what he needs, all you need is to believe that you do.
A beautiful baby carrier (or 3, ok so I have 5) from babes in arms there is nothing quite like the feeling of wearing you baby close. If i had my time again, I would have a stretchy wrap (hugabub) for a newborn before moving onto my much loved Ergo.
A gr8x stretchy swaddle wrap. I kid you not, these are the BEST wraps ever. I adored them with both my kids, and they are my standard real life baby shower gift.
A birth notice tee from Quinn Macool this is one of the BEST boys clothing shops I have found. There stuff is awesome and service is second to none. Again my kids have one of these each that are now framed with their plaster hands and feet in our lounge. These are my standard new baby present.
And finally a special whole day spa voucher for us both. To somewhere really fancy, where we could lounge around and be pampered all day long.
Wordless Wednesday: In 5 days I'm 30
12 years ago